As electricity costs increase, it’s a good idea to regularly check your household’s electrical sockets, panel boxes, and the overall condition of your lighting fixtures. With more people staying home, you need to factor in the number of individuals working remotely and kids opting for online learning. This means with the increased use of tablets and laptops, along with all the other electrical fixtures such as lamps and appliances, an increased risk of fire, shocks, and surges could occur.
With a boost of electrical usage occurring at home, electrical issues could happen if you’re not careful. At Hi-Lite Electric, each one of our electricians is certified under the Electrical Safety Authority’s (ESA) Authorized Contractor Program (ACP). We have the expertise and the best electrical services in Toronto to ensure your home is safe from electrical mishaps. Here are 7 signs you need an electrical inspection.
Walk through your home and check all the electrical outlets and light switches. Over the
years, the wiring behind electrical outlets and light switches gets worn out and, eventually, they can loosen. If you notice this, know that they can catch on fire if they are used. Be sure to stop using these sockets and switches and call for an electrical inspection.
Using major appliances such as air conditioners, dishwashers, washing machines, clothes dryers, freezers, refrigerators, water heaters, and microwave ovens should be safe. However, if you use multiple appliances at once and they cause an electrical surge, this can spark a fire. Consult with an electrician as soon as possible for an inspection.
If you detect a burning smell, follow where it’s coming from. If you come to a dead-end and you can’t determine the source of the smell, the wiring might be the problem. Since wires are not visible to the naked eye, they could cause a fire if left alone. Once you smell something burning, stop using all switches and outlets in that area or room and call for an electrical inspection.
When you turn on the lights and they start flickering, that is a sign of wire damage in a faulty switch. Another common issue that causes flickering lights is likely to be ignited by other appliances being used that are attached to the same circuit. For instance, a washing machine draws a lot of power and could make the lights flicker in the laundry room. Call an electrician to do an inspection, as they can switch the lighting to another circuit, so the washing machine is getting the correct power supply.
Along with burning smells, if your electrical switches and outlets are producing heat, that is something you should be concerned about. It’s normal for some warm spots, especially when something is plugged into a socket. However, if it becomes too hot that it burns your hand, have an electrician check it out. Another thing to pay attention to is if an electrical outlet gets hot even when there is no device plugged into it; in this case, there might be a wiring issue. Stop using that socket and have it inspected by an electrician.
If you hear buzzing or any sounds coming from your electrical outlets, unplug the devices connected to them. It is not normal to hear buzzing or any kind of sounds from your outlets. Buzzing sounds signal loose connections, defective appliances, or faulty wiring. Stop using these sockets and seek the help of an electrician.
The main purpose of fuses and circuit breakers is to protect the appliances in your home. Sometimes, a circuit may blow or trip when it is overloaded. All you need to do is flip the switch in your circuit box and restart it. This is normal. However, if you find your circuit tripping is happening frequently and you need to constantly restart it at your circuit box, this should raise concern. It’s time to seek advice from an electrician on their electrical circuit upgrade services.
If you think the wiring or any other electrical components in your home are having problems, never attempt to fix them on your own. An electrical inspection performed by a trained electrician can uncover the causes. Here is a summary of the 7 signs you need an electrical inspection:
If you would like a free quote on our upgraded electrical services, our team of professional electricians at Hi-Lite Electric are here to assist you with preventing electrical issues throughout the GTA region. Call us at 416-800-5523 in Toronto, in York Region at 289-207-0324, and in Peel Region at 289-216-0548, or contact us here.
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